Bountiful Baptism

04 May 2024

Celebrating New Beginnings and Spiritual Journeys

Dear Eriku Site Community, friends and followers,

What a joyous occasion it has been as we gather to witness the transformative power of faith and the beauty of baptism! The evangelism meeting, jointly organized by the Boundary Road and Buimo Road Adventist churches, has been a testament to unity, fellowship, and the shared mission of spreading the gospel.

Throughout this week-long event, we've been blessed to have Pr. Mike Sikuri from the South Pacific Division of Seventh Day Adventist as our guest speaker. His insightful messages have inspired and challenged us to deepen our commitment to Christ and to share His love with others.

Photo by Visionstream Media

Today marks a significant milestone in our spiritual journey as we celebrate the baptism of 85 precious souls. Each baptism represents a unique story of faith, transformation, and God's redeeming grace at work. It's a momentous occasion that fills our hearts with gratitude and hope for the future.

The baptismal ceremony was officiated by Pastor Jonathan Joseph and Pastor Peter Bagle, who led the candidates through this sacred rite with reverence and love. Their dedication to nurturing and guiding our community spiritually is truly commendable, and we're grateful for their leadership.

Photo by Visionstream Media

As we rejoice in the new beginnings symbolized by baptism, let us also remember our responsibility to support and encourage our newly baptized brothers and sisters in their walk with Christ. May we continue to uphold them in prayer, offer guidance and friendship, and walk alongside them as they grow in their faith.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the newly baptized members and their families. Your decision to publicly declare your faith in Christ is an inspiration to us all, and we rejoice with you as you embark on this exciting journey of discipleship.

May God's grace and peace continue to abide with each one of us as we strive to live out our faith daily and share the hope we have in Jesus Christ with the world around us.


Eriku Site Adventist Community

Doulos Ken
