
Get To Know Us

Adventists believe life is more than just the accumulation of "stuff". It’s about more than just surviving. It means more than simply maximising pleasure and minimising pain. We believe every life is of infinite value. Why? Because every human is miraculously crafted by God who wants us to live life to the full. What's more, He sent His Son to demonstrate true love, forgiveness and grace.

We are small A organize church in Lae Central District of Morobe Mission located in Boundary Road Mt Crest street. We have 2 sabbath school branch church and the membership is growing every year. 

We have lots of interesting programs and highlights happening in our local church through our committed leaders, volunteers, and church families and the community we interact with.

Read about our beliefs

Baptism at Boundary Road

November 30th 2020- 35 souls were baptized after two weeks revival meeting. The Guest speaker was Morobe Mission Secretary Pastor Samuel Molen.