Church Clerk


Our priesthood is to each other within the church and to the world. The clerk, like every other church officer, is a ministering servant of God. Every Christian believer is called to ministry, gifted by the Holy Spirit, and in baptism ordained for ministry (Eph. 4:11-12).

Duties of the Church Clerk:

Although the role varies somewhat from church to church, the ministry to which a person is called when he or she becomes a church clerk involves the following:

1. Secretary church board and business meetings. Although a church secretary sometimes is delegated this responsibility, it is the duty of the clerk to see that this task is performed and properly entered in the church records. The official copy of the minutes should include complete copies of all reports, documents and financial statements. It is a public record which any church member or denominational representative can look at.

2. Church membership. There must always be a vote by the church, not just the church board, to add or drop a name from the church membership roll, except in the case of the death of a member. The clerk handles the correspondence between the individuals seeking transfers and the churches with which the transfer is being made. The clerk also fills out a certificate and report forms when a person is baptized or makes a profession of faith. In cooperation with the Sabbath School teachers, you should take a keen interest in keeping track of each member, making note of those who do not attend regularly and those who are absent. When a member moves away, the church clerk should try to keep in touch with them and promptly contact the pastor in the new district to have him visit them and encourage them to transfer to a new church home.

3. Church records. All church records, minutes of business meetings and board meetings, the church officer list, and the list of church members are maintained by the church clerk. This information is not only for the sake of the church family but portions of this information are also sent on special forms to the local conference office for its use in statistical reports. Also, it is vital that you supply copies of these records to new pastors and church board members so they have the information needed for their work.

4. List of committees. The clerk should make note of any committees that are appointed and give the chairman of the group a list of the members making up the committee, along with an outline of the work the committee is being asked to accomplish.

5. Church directory. It is the responsibility of the clerk to have an updated church directory produced as needed. This may be printed, photocopied, or produced for the church by one of the companies that makes photo directories. It should include non-member spouses and unbaptized children from church-related households, as well as regular attendees not yet baptized. It is well to include a statement that “this is not an official membership list.” Its purpose is to facilitate friendship in the congregation


  • The membership transfer may take longer than you might expect. We have outlined the process to help you understand why.
  • For transfer in, the steps are as follows:
  • Complete the form below and the church clerk will send you a transfer in form.
  • Complete the transfer in form and return it to the church clerk.
  • Your request will be taken to the next board meeting to inform them of your desire to be transferred in.
  • A request for transfer will be sent to your old church.
  • The clerk of your old church will take the request to that church board.
  • Once approved, the request is taken to the church body as a first reading.
  • It is left for a week, then a second reading and a vote is taken.
  • Your old church clerk will inform Boundary Road church that the transfer was done and send them a form confirming the transfer.
  • The clerk church at Boundary Road church will submit this form to the church board.
  • Once passed, the first and second reading is done at Boundary Road followed by a vote of acceptance.
  • The clerk at Boundary Road church will inform your old church that your membership is now at Boundary Road church and they will remove you from their records.


Illa Malo

Church Clerk