Church Partners with 13 organize Churches to Support Buimo Correctional Service

16 Sep 2024 Doulos Ken

Boundary Road Adventist Church, in collaboration with 13 other Organize churches across Lae District, undertook a significant outreach mission to Buimo Correctional Service (CS). This initiative was a profound demonstration of community spirit and compassion, as the churches united to provide a day of nourishment and support for the prison population.

The collaborative effort saw Boundary Road Adventist Church contribute an abundance of raw garden produce, while the other participating churches prepared and delivered a variety of cooked meals. This collective contribution aimed to address the nutritional needs of the prisoners and bring a touch of kindness to their challenging daily lives.

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Bountiful Baptism

04 May 2024 Doulos Ken

Dear Eriku Site Community, friends and followers,

What a joyous occasion it has been as we gather to witness the transformative power of faith and the beauty of baptism! The evangelism meeting, jointly organized by the Boundary Road and Buimo Road Adventist churches, has been a testament to unity, fellowship, and the shared mission of spreading the gospel.

Throughout this week-long event, we've been blessed to have Pr. Mike Sikuri from the South Pacific Division of Seventh Day Adventist as our guest speaker. His insightful messages have inspired and challenged us to deepen our commitment to Christ and to share His love with others.

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🌟 Celebrating New Beginnings: The Aneyabu Family Newsletter 🌟

04 May 2024 Doulos Ken

It's been a journey filled with anticipation and prayer, especially for Stace and Sirod, who had to leave their study campus to travel to Lae to be part of this momentous occasion. Despite the distance and challenges, their hearts were united in their desire to publicly declare their faith and commitment to Christ.

Mr. and Mrs. Aneyabu express their deepest gratitude and praise to God for His faithfulness and the blessing of seeing their children take this important step in their spiritual journey. Their hearts overflow with joy and thanksgiving as they witness their children embracing this new beginning and embarking on a journey of faith.

As a family, they stand together in love and support, knowing that this decision marks the beginning of a deeper relationship with Christ and a life lived in His grace and truth. They covet your prayers and encouragement as their children continue to grow and walk in faith.

Let us join together in celebrating this special moment with the Aneyabu family and in lifting them up in prayer as they journey forward in their walk with Christ.

With love and blessings,

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Eriku Site Evangelism Meeting site updates

02 May 2024 Doulos Ken

Dateline: Eriku, May 2nd, 2024

The Eriku Site Evangelism Meeting, which commenced on April 26th, has become a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, drawing multitudes night after night to partake in the uplifting message of faith. Hosted by the renowned Pastor Mike Sikuri, General Secretary for the South Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventist, the gathering has seen a remarkable surge in attendance, with numbers swelling each passing evening.

Enthusiastic crowds have been flocking to the venue, eager to immerse themselves in the profound teachings of God's word, as eloquently presented by Pastor Sikuri. The fervor and anticipation among attendees are palpable, reflecting a collective hunger for spiritual nourishment and guidance.

Reports from the event indicate a diverse assembly of individuals, united in their quest for deeper spiritual understanding and connection. Families, youth, and elders alike have been captivated by the compelling messages delivered each night, fostering a sense of communal fellowship and renewal.

As the Eriku Site Evangelism Meeting continues to unfold, its impact reverberates throughout the community, inspiring hope, renewal, and a reaffirmation of faith among all who attend. With each passing night, the gathering serves as a testament to the enduring power of spirituality in transforming lives and fostering unity amidst diversity.

The event's organizers express gratitude for the overwhelming response and extend an open invitation to all who seek solace, inspiration, and spiritual growth in these trying times. As the meeting progresses, it stands as a beacon of light, guiding souls on a journey of faith, reflection, and renewal.

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Morobe Mission Hosts Communications and Media Training for Church Leaders

07 Feb 2024 Doulos Ken

Speaking about the importance of such training initiatives, Pastor Kua Nungai emphasized the critical role that effective communication plays in spreading the message of faith and connecting with communities.

"This training equips our leaders with the necessary skills to effectively communicate the Gospel message in today's dynamic world. By harnessing the power of media and communication tools, we can reach more hearts and minds with the transformative message of hope and salvation," remarked Pastor Nungai.

The training program at Morobe Mission underscores the commitment of church leaders to adapt to evolving communication trends and leverage modern technologies to further the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Morobe Province. With more sessions planned in the coming days, participants eagerly anticipate deepening their understanding and mastery of communication and media strategies to better serve their congregations and communities.

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Literature Evangelism

26 Jun 2022 Doulos Ken

The Seventh-day Adventist Church acknowledges literature evangelism as a self-supporting missionary in harmony with the church’s teachings and principles.

Samson is a church member of Boundary Road Adventist church and is a Literature Evangelist.

Samson Apa upon receiving God’s call, he became Literature Evangelists (LEs) and dedicate his live to provide much needed services to communities. In harmony with Adventist principles of faith and practice, he communicate the eternal gospel that brings salvation. He provide these services by acquiring and selling literature officially produced by Adventist publishing houses.

He share literature to both Adventist and non-Adventist people in the city of Lae. 

Photo below is Samson selling and delivering literature to to Boundary Road Adventist Youths and members.

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Church purchase new land for Company Church

15 May 2022 Doulos Ken

Boundary Road Seventh Day Adventist has purchase a new piece of land for one of the company church at Warakalap in Morobe province of PNG. The event was witness by Pastor Kennedy Wai ( Lae Central District Director) Minister Julian Laurie (Church Pastor), Pastor Samson Hening (Busanim church Pastor), Land Owner (Mr.Tiba) and Boundary Road Church Board members with Warakalap church members. The event proceed with a welcome, Prayer shot devotion by Pastor Kennedy followed by Payment.

The history of the went back to the 2015 when Boundary Road church members where scattered leaving Boundary Road due to ethnic fight between highlanders and Sialum people in Boundary Road suburb. After the fight Joe Steven and his family went to resettle at Warakalap and as a result Joe erected a lamb shelter in his residential area and inform the church board about it. Church Board agreed to support the church and today the church members had grew. 

Today the church has make a official payment to the land owner and secure a permanent ground for the church. Pastor Kennedy Wai encourage land owners that we are stewards of God, everything belongs to the creator. Elder Degene has express gratitude towards the land owners and urge all the church members to work together in unity to win souls for the Kingdom of God.

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Adventist Students Ministry

23 Apr 2022 Doulos Ken

Bugandi Secondary School is a school in Papua New Guinea. Bugandi is situated nearby to Markham Road Primary School. The School for many years has become practice ground for cult, students practicing cult activities which resulted in school fights every year. 

Despite the cult practices the Bugandi Adventist Students Association stood tall in uplifting the Adventist identity in the school campus. These faithful Adventist students attending Bugandi mainly involved in outreach programs, conducting Sabbath School programs, singing and praying earnestly for the School Administration as the result of answered prayers the the school has a new principal with proper administration.

This Sabbath Boundary Road was privilege to have this students leading our Sabbath School program. These students are all grade 12 students attending Bugandi Secondary School. The church members were blessed by the massage in songs, prayer and lessons learn from the character of eagle.

Nobeth Ben (Students Leader) express gratitude towards the church and the Sabbath School department for the opportunity given and urge the church if there be any programs they happy to take part and lead because getting involved in Gods service will help them grow in faith.
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Pathfinders Requirement Camp

19 Dec 2021 Doulos Ken

Due Covid-19 and restriction to over crowding on PMV buses the Boundary Road Pathfinder club has plan a outdoor requirement camp for pathfinders at Speed Way. The purpose of the requirement camp is for pathfinders to achieved their outdoor requirements. The pathfinder club is made of six classes, three lower class and three senior classes. The Friend, Companion, Explorer, Ranger, Voyager and Guide. 

The theme for this year Adventist Youth Ministry is TAKE OWNERSHIP IN GODS SERVICE. All through this year 2021 the pathfinders, instructors and Directors had been spend time together regularly and often. Get to know each other and learning life skills, survival skills and most of all getting to more about Jesus an His leadership. The have many challenges but through Gods grace we have successfully completed all the classes requirements and able to invest the pathfinders.

1 Timothy 4:12 (NKJV) Let no man despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in words, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity".

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Reaching the Firewood Venders

06 May 2021 Doulos Ken

Adventist Community Service (ACS) reaching out to the people in need at Boundary Road settlement. The ACS mothers and young boys have visited the firewood venders at Boundary Road. those venders always sell firewood for day to day living. The mothers identified their needs and visited them with food, soap, Colgate and clothes. The venders were happy with the food the ACS bought for them. Adventist Community Service leader Shirley Kambao has express their gratitude towards the venders for allowing them to come and visit them. 

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