Mass Signing

27 Oct 2022

Signing of Marriage certificate

Mass Signing was an initiative by Family life Department of the church for couples to sign their married certificate. 23rd of October will go down in church History has 14 couples sign their marriage certificate, it is the highest number in Lae Central District of Morobe Mission. The occasion was officiated by Lae Central District Director Pastor Kennedy Wai. Witness by all church families and visiting friends all throughout our suburb. It was an exciting moment for the church and the families who work tirelessly to make this occasion a successful one on Sunday.

All glory, praise and honor goes to our Creator God for His guidance through it all.

Mr and Mrs Degene

sign Marriage certificate as Pastor Kennedy Wai witness

Mr and Mrs Anagaya

Signing of Marriage certificate

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2022

Mr and Mrs Jack

Signing of Marriage certificate

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2022

Mr and Mrs Kowana

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2022

Mr and Mrs Frexie

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2022

Doulos Ken
