Church present Baptismal Certificates to newly baptize members

18 May 2024

A Joyful Celebration: Welcoming Our New Members!

Dear Church Family,

We are thrilled to share the wonderful news of the recent evangelism reaping campaign, a joint effort between Boundary Road Adventist Church and Buimo Road Church, held at the Eriku site. This inspiring event culminated in a significant milestone for our church community on May 18, 2024, as we welcomed 133 newly baptized members into our family of faith.

Celebrating New Beginnings

On this joyous day, we presented Baptismal Certificates to our new members, officially welcoming them into the church. The ceremony was filled with heartfelt prayers, uplifting songs, and a deep sense of community and shared purpose. Each new member represents a story of faith, hope, and transformation, and we are blessed to have them join us on this spiritual journey.

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2024

A Unified Effort

Church Pastor, Minister Giacinta Warakai, extended a warm welcome to the newly baptized members, expressing her heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of the PNG FOR CHRIST Evangelism Reaping campaign. Minister Warakai commended the collective effort of the entire church, highlighting the dedication, prayers, and hard work that made this harvest possible.

Church Pastor

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2024

Appreciation for the Site Committees

Special thanks were also given to the site committees, whose meticulous planning and coordination ensured the smooth running of the evangelism campaign. Their behind-the-scenes work and unwavering support were crucial in creating an environment where the message of Christ could be shared effectively.

Site Committees

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2024

Moving Forward in Faith

As we welcome our new members, let us continue to support them with open hearts and open arms. We encourage all members of our church to extend their fellowship and guidance to our new brothers and sisters in Christ, helping them to grow and thrive in their faith.

We look forward to many more opportunities to come together as a church family, to worship, to serve, and to share the love of Christ with our community.

May God's blessings be upon us all as we continue to work together in His service.

In Faith and Fellowship,

Boundary Road Adventist Church

"Growing in Faith, Serving in Love"

Doulos Ken
