Warakalap Church Progress

23 Mar 2023

Boundary Road Adventist News Center - March 19, 2023

The Warakalap branch church has made significant progress in its efforts to improve the worship experience for its members. On March 19, 2023, the church held a work day, and many volunteers turned out to help with various projects.

The main focus of the work day was the construction of a new branch church building. The building had been in the planning stages for several months, and the church was excited to see it finally taking shape. Volunteers worked tirelessly to put up set profiles and foundation work. The church building will provide a much-needed place for members to gather for worship.

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2023
Photo by Boundary Road Media 2023

Building Board chairman Elder Luto Aneyabu, was thrilled with the progress that was made. "It's amazing to see how much can be accomplished when we all come together and work towards a common goal," he said. "The new church building in progress it will be a wonderful addition to our church, and I'm so grateful to everyone who helped make it a reality."

Photo by Boundary Road Media 2023

The church plans to hold another work day in the coming weeks to finish up any remaining projects. With the dedication and hard work of its members, the Warakalap branch church is well on its way to becoming an even more vibrant and welcoming church for all who enter decide to go and worship there. 

Doulos Ken
