Revival Meeting ends with Baptism

03 Dec 2023

Boundary Road, 4th-12-2023

In a spiritually charged atmosphere, the Boundary Road Seventh Day Adventist Church concluded a week-long revival meeting that brought congregants together in prayer, worship, and reflection. The special event featured esteemed guest speaker Pastor James Dirye, the Sabbath School and Personal Ministry Director of Morobe Mission.

The revival, which kicked off on [26th-12-2023], saw attendees engage in a series of powerful sermons, uplifting music, and fervent prayer sessions led by Pastor Dirye. The congregation gathered each evening to delve into the teachings of faith, hope, and renewal, with Pastor Dirye delivering inspiring messages that resonated with the diverse audience.

The highlight of the week occurred on the concluding day, [2nd of December, 2023], when two individuals made a profound commitment to their faith. In a moving ceremony, both individuals publicly declared their dedication to Jesus Christ and were baptized, symbolizing a significant milestone in their spiritual journey.

The baptisms were a cause for joy and celebration among the congregation, as they witnessed the transformative power of the revival meeting. The newly baptized members were welcomed with open arms by the church community, symbolizing the inclusivity and warmth that define the Boundary Road Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Pastor James Dirye expressed gratitude for the opportunity to lead the revival and witness the spiritual growth within the congregation. He emphasized the importance of unity, faith, and community in fostering a strong and resilient church family.

"I am humbled and honored to have been part of this incredible week of revival at Boundary Road Seventh Day Adventist Church. The commitment and enthusiasm shown by the congregation are a testament to the power of faith and community," said Pastor Dirye.

The church leadership, along with Pastor Dirye, thanked everyone who contributed to the success of the revival meeting, acknowledging the tireless efforts of volunteers, musicians, and the congregation.

As the Boundary Road Seventh Day Adventist Church looks forward to the future, the baptisms serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact that faith can have on individuals and the community as a whole. The church remains committed to its mission of spreading love, hope, and the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Doulos Ken
