Budgeting and Savings

25 Dec 2021 Doulos Ken

The Boundary Road Seventh day Adventist church members has attended a Financial Literacy Course at Boundary Road church on the 3rd of August 2021. The training was organize by Morobe Mission Stewardship Department and facilitated by the Bank of South Pacific Limited (BSP) staffs.

The training aim to enriched church members with Saving and Budgeting knowledge to help them become better stewards for God and their family. Many of the church members earn their living from informal sector and are lacking financial skills. With the help of Stewardship Department Director Pastor Charles Paul making this training happened was a blessing for the church members. 

The Church Stewardship Department leader Elder Micah Isaname has thanked the Morobe Mission Stewardship Director and the BSP staffs for the success of this training . With the Savings and Budgeting knowledge the church members will become God's steward in their home and the church. They will continue to put God first in their lives through Tithe and Offering. 

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