🌟 Celebrating New Beginnings: The Aneyabu Family Newsletter 🌟

04 May 2024 Doulos Ken

It's been a journey filled with anticipation and prayer, especially for Stace and Sirod, who had to leave their study campus to travel to Lae to be part of this momentous occasion. Despite the distance and challenges, their hearts were united in their desire to publicly declare their faith and commitment to Christ.

Mr. and Mrs. Aneyabu express their deepest gratitude and praise to God for His faithfulness and the blessing of seeing their children take this important step in their spiritual journey. Their hearts overflow with joy and thanksgiving as they witness their children embracing this new beginning and embarking on a journey of faith.

As a family, they stand together in love and support, knowing that this decision marks the beginning of a deeper relationship with Christ and a life lived in His grace and truth. They covet your prayers and encouragement as their children continue to grow and walk in faith.

Let us join together in celebrating this special moment with the Aneyabu family and in lifting them up in prayer as they journey forward in their walk with Christ.

With love and blessings,

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