Church purchase new land for Company Church

15 May 2022 Doulos Ken

Boundary Road Seventh Day Adventist has purchase a new piece of land for one of the company church at Warakalap in Morobe province of PNG. The event was witness by Pastor Kennedy Wai ( Lae Central District Director) Minister Julian Laurie (Church Pastor), Pastor Samson Hening (Busanim church Pastor), Land Owner (Mr.Tiba) and Boundary Road Church Board members with Warakalap church members. The event proceed with a welcome, Prayer shot devotion by Pastor Kennedy followed by Payment.

The history of the went back to the 2015 when Boundary Road church members where scattered leaving Boundary Road due to ethnic fight between highlanders and Sialum people in Boundary Road suburb. After the fight Joe Steven and his family went to resettle at Warakalap and as a result Joe erected a lamb shelter in his residential area and inform the church board about it. Church Board agreed to support the church and today the church members had grew. 

Today the church has make a official payment to the land owner and secure a permanent ground for the church. Pastor Kennedy Wai encourage land owners that we are stewards of God, everything belongs to the creator. Elder Degene has express gratitude towards the land owners and urge all the church members to work together in unity to win souls for the Kingdom of God.

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