Morobe Mission Hosts Communications and Media Training for Church Leaders

07 Feb 2024 Doulos Ken

Speaking about the importance of such training initiatives, Pastor Kua Nungai emphasized the critical role that effective communication plays in spreading the message of faith and connecting with communities.

"This training equips our leaders with the necessary skills to effectively communicate the Gospel message in today's dynamic world. By harnessing the power of media and communication tools, we can reach more hearts and minds with the transformative message of hope and salvation," remarked Pastor Nungai.

The training program at Morobe Mission underscores the commitment of church leaders to adapt to evolving communication trends and leverage modern technologies to further the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Morobe Province. With more sessions planned in the coming days, participants eagerly anticipate deepening their understanding and mastery of communication and media strategies to better serve their congregations and communities.

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